Welcome to the website of the Grenoble Association of Doctoral Students, l’Association Grenobloise des Doctorant.e.s (AGreD).
Contact us :
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Mission statement :
Empowering doctoral candidates within the Grenoble-Alpes University community, our association is dedicated to:
- Fostering integration and interactions among doctoral candidates.
- Advocating for the work of doctoral candidates, students, and young researchers.
- Welcoming new doctoral candidates and tracking the progress of alumni.
- Implementing tools to enhance students’ professional integration.
- Cultivating scientific relationships among members, the University, and Industry, through organized meetings and training sessions.
- Enhancing the value of doctoral experience as a professional endeavor, and preparing future professionals.
- Ensuring adherence to doctoral candidates’ status, working conditions, and integration within the institution’s life and governance bodies.
- Promoting the sciences.
Board :
The AGreD board is composed of :
- President : Stéphan Pissot
- Vice-president : Benaissa Larbi
- Secretary : Théo Abadie
- Vice-secretary : Morgane Bourhis
- Treasurer : Phan Anh Vu